It’s progressive…requires faith, work, and determination…promotes unity, love, and respect.
The Randolph-McElroy Family Website
The Official Web Portal for Family Communication
Steve Randolph w/ the assistance of Cory Lacy and Dante Britten are proud to announce the development of the family website. This website will serve as the ‘official’ location where all members may receive accurate up-to-date info about the family. In order to encourage more interactive communication among members a blog has been set-up for posting your comments and ideas. The blog will allow each member a ‘voice’ and as well as provide valuable info to the website development committee needed to effectively manage the website.
In celebration of the launching of the website, nominations are being accepted for recognizing any family member, any age that has demonstrated the attributes of our family character: faith, work, and determination while promoting the expression of family excellence through unity, respect, and love. You may submit your nominations/confirm previous nomination/comments to:
the family email address: or
on the family blog: or
post directly to blog by email: .
From the nominations a person will be selected and featured on the website w/ in-depth interview, biography, as well as any photos/video clips made available by the person.
*This will hopefully establish a well-integrated communication process that provides an opportunity for family input/suggestions/comments but more importantly provide a means where there is confidence in the accuracy of information that is disseminated, and less confusion resulting from conflict of information. Furthermore, there’s an opportunity for all ideas/comments to be given full consideration before actually placing on website/making it official by the website development committee. The blog is set up so that comment/postings are moderated It’s progressive…requires faith, work, and determination…promotes unity, love, and respect.